Hello to the IndieWeb!
Since leaving the majority of social media platforms earlier this year, I’ve become increasingly interested in the concept of the “IndieWeb”; that is, the concept of “owning your domain and using it as your primary online identity, publishing on your own site first (optionally elsewhere), and owning your content.”
Whilst I have a little way to go towards being able to call myself a true IndieWebber (is that a word, and, if not, should it be?) in that my website doesn’t yet include microformats, but I’ve just replaced my old handwritten HTML with a Jekyll-powered site, so there’s definitely progress ahead.
In the meantime, however, I shall sit and admire the concept of the IndieWeb in the meantime. In a world where everything seems to be a walled garden—despite the laudable intentions of the GDPR—anything that puts control back into the hands of creators can surely never be a bad thing.