
Because of what my startup does, I’m regularly contacted from people seeking help in an emergency. As much as I would love to help everybody, I am but one man. Please contact your local emergency services in the first instance.

If you’re not contacting me about an emergency, please email one of the following addresses, based on why you’re contacting me:

If none of those options fit, please email

Standing invitation

Ripped off from my dear friend, Aaron, who himself ripped it off from Matthew Palmer, I’m open to you sending or asking me anything that you think that I might either find interesting or be able to help with.

For the avoidance of doubt (and, yes, this is sadly a common enough occurrence that it needs mentioning), I am not interested in your sexual fantasies, your anatomy or the intersection between the two. Please see your partner, your doctor, or, in the worst-case scenario, both.


I receive approximately 250 emails and text messages each and every day (and, sadly, yes, that does include Sunday!). I’d therefore be grateful if you would include a descriptive subject line so that I can prioritise your email accordingly.

I would also be grateful if you would please avoid trying to sell me anything. I am a young and healthy man which means that I thankfully have absolutely no use for the many strange concotions in my Spam folder that offer to make it easier for me to satisfy those to whom I’m attracted.